Che cos'è la pressofusione a bassa pressione?

Che cos'è la pressofusione a bassa pressione?

This article will provide you with an overview of the process of filling cavities with liquid metal under low pressure. We will also discuss the benefits and limitations of the process and its cost. Interested in learning more? Continue reading! Listed below are some of the key elements of this process. The most important factor to consider is the level of pressure used to fill the cavity. High pressure die casting requires high temperatures and high speeds. Low pressure die casting is best suited for parts that require small tolerances.

Process of filling cavities with liquid metal under low pressure

The Process of filling cavities with liquid metal under relatively low pressure has several advantages. The thixotropic slurry property of the metal helps it enter small parts, reducing the possibility of air entrapment. It is also capable of increasing the conductivity and mechanical properties of the alloy by reducing air pockets during the filling process. Finally, the process improves weldability and heat treatability.

The material used to fill cavities can be metal, composite resin, or biocompatible glass. First, the old fillings and decayed tissue will be removed. After that, the treatment area is thoroughly cleaned. A special etching liquid is used to ensure a strong bond between the new material and the old. Once the new filling material has hardened, Dr. Asadi will apply it artfully to produce a cosmetically pleasing result.


The advantages of low pressure die casting include its relatively rapid cooling time and its ability to cast smaller, more complex shapes. The die is typically made of nodular iron, but sand molds are also available. The metal fills the die from the bottom to the top, forming a “molten pool” that is trimmed by a catch. The upward movement of the metal is against gravity, and the pressure inside the crucible is kept until the casting solidifies.

Another advantage of low pressure die casting is that it does not require massive closing forces. The process is also easier to automate and is cheaper than high pressure die casting. A key factor to consider when choosing a low-pressure die casting process is the amount of space needed. Two machines can be placed in a vertical configuration, saving space and money. In addition, low-pressure die casting allows for parts up to 110 kg to be cast.


Compared to high-pressure die casting, low-pressure die casting is less complex and expensive. It also lends itself well to automation. However, it suffers from a slow casting cycle. Low-pressure die casting is an excellent choice for low-volume production runs. But, what are the limitations of low-pressure die casting? Here we discuss these and other concerns. You may find the information helpful if you decide to make the switch.

Low-pressure die casting is not suitable for high-volume production. While the parts produced by this method are highly durable and resist heat, they are expensive. Additionally, their production cycles are much shorter than those of plastic injection molded parts. However, it is also more expensive on a unit volume basis and has limited application options. In addition, the process does not produce high-precision castings and can result in high-cost parts.


Low-pressure die casting has been around for decades. This process is renowned for its material properties. However, it is still limited to the luxury market due to its high unit cost and low quantity. The high-pressure method is still popular in the mass production sector, but it costs at least four times as much as a low-pressure system. However, low-pressure die casting has some advantages over high-pressure casting. Here are some of the benefits of low-pressure die casting.

The dies are fabricated from nodular iron, but sand molds can also be used. The metal fills the die from bottom to top, forming a pooling-type fill. The upper portion of the “molten pool” is then cut off using a catch. This upward movement of the molten metal is against gravity and the pressure inside the crucible is maintained until the casting solidifies.